This Week On Tap: Daredevil’s Vacation Kolsch

This Week On Tap: Daredevil’s Vacation Kolsch


By Cory Huffman for Indiana On Tap

I’m a 6th grade teacher. Please, hold your applause.

As the summer begins to dwindle away and school starts back up (mind you, we’re just finishing our THIRD week already!) I’m finding myself in somewhat of a disillusioned state of withdrawal.  

What happened to summer? Seriously.

What used to be an actual season, 8-10 weeks of sunshine without the hassle of defiance, back talk, bloody noses, grading papers, parent meetings, and lice, has now been cut to six weeks of cramming every little possible thing into every single day.

I can hear some of you thinking what an unappreciative bastard I am being. You’re thinking that I shouldn’t complain about being off of work for six weeks when some of you only get a week of vacation.

To that I simply urge you to think of how you feel when you finally get a break from your child, then multiply that by 65. Yes I said 65. Although not all 65 kids at once, but two sections of 30+ kids tend to get under the skin here and there from time to time.

Anyway, enough of my laments. After all, I chose my profession so it’s only right that I bear the weight of that choice (which entitles me to bitch here and there).

So in lieu of summer coming to a close I found it fitting to sit down with a can of Daredevil’s Vacation Kolsch – a crisp and refreshing ale from the guys in Speedway.

Vacation pours a very light straw color and smells like a summer day that was spent hard at work in the yard, pouring over those vicious landscaping projects. In other words, it begs to be enjoyed and savored as a reward for hard work.

In a conversation with my good friend and colleague Adam Schick, I told him that Vacation Kolsch tastes like what Anheuser-Busch should have set forth to brew for hard working Americans. We all know that’s not the case; however the guys at Daredevil did just that.

And they did it right.

As the days of summer become fleeting, I urge you to seek out this tasty beer and enjoy what’s left of August with friends, family, and laughs a plenty. Meanwhile, I’ll be in the classroom. Molding today’s youth.

Now you can clap.


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