Dark Lord Day is Coming!  Dark Lord Day is coming!

Dark Lord Day is Coming!  Dark Lord Day is coming!


By PasteMagazine.com

You know it’s spring when beer geeks all get in a tizzy over a very special beer release. Their hair stands up on the back of their necks, they spend hours staring at the moon contemplating the relationship between space and time, they become downright bi-polar—one minute giggling into their Frosted Mini Wheats, the next throwing the remote control at the T.V. It’s all because of the Dark Lord.

Every spring, Three Floyds Brewing Company releases their Russian Imperial Stout, Dark Lord, which is widely regarded as one of the best beers in the world. It’s a doozy at 15% ABV and packed with coffee and vanilla and you can only get it at the brewery, and only on this one day. Following the simple rules of supply and demand, there’s a bit of a frenzy over Dark Lord Day. More than 6,000 tickets are sold every year. If you don’t have one already, forget about it, because Dark Lord Day is this Saturday, April 26th.

And this year, Three Floyds is switching its coffee source for the stout, ditching Intelligentsia coffee for a special coffee brewed by Dark Matter Coffee called Unicorn Blood. Mmm, unicorn blood.

So you have that to look forward to if you’re making the trek to Munster, Indiana for your four-pack of Dark Lord. Now with Unicorn Blood.

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