A Beer that boldly goes where none has gone before

A Beer that boldly goes where none has gone before


By Mike Snider of USA Today

There’s a new beer on the way that ought to come with a cloaking device, Klingon Warnog, a Star Trek-approved craft beer.

A Dunkelweizen with rye, Klingon Warnog is brewed by Tin Man Brewing Co., of Evansville, Ind., with theFederation of Beer and the blessing of CBS Consumer Products. The beer was unveiled at the Nightclub & Bar Show in Las Vegas on Monday.

Expected to begin arriving in stores later this year, Klingon Warnog “captures the warrior essence of the Klingon culture with its bold and unique taste,” says Richard Weger, director of marketing and community management for Federation of Beer.

Produced with a German wheat yeast and Munich malt, the ale also uses rye, wheat and caramel malts, resulting in a beer with a mild banana-clove aroma and a hearty mouthfeel, the beer makers say. But it won’t overpower drinkers at 5.5% alcohol by volume.

“The Klingons have long been recognized as the ‘bad boys’ of the Star Trek Universe and one of the most popular villains in television history. However, their aggressive nature is balanced out by their strict moral code respecting honor, valor and courage,” says Federation of Beer director of administration Paul Carreau. “The Federation wanted to brew a beer whose taste embodied all aspects of the Klingon warrior spirit.”

Weger, Carreau and Federation of Beer co-founder Vern Raincock were at the annual Spock Days convention in Vulcan, Alta., Canada, in 2012 and were having a beer and launched the idea of Star Trek beers. They came up with the idea for their first beer, Vulcan Ale, and got the Star Trek license for the product. They then contracted with Harvest Moon Brewery in Belt, Montana, to brew it.

That beer, so far only available in Canada, is expected to be available later in the year in the U.S. and a third beer is in the works. Perhaps the Romulan Ale is next on the brewing schedule.

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