27 May Indiana On Tap REleases New Mobile Responsive Design for a Better Mobile Experience
IOT’s new mobile responsive menu design
You spoke. We listened. Indiana On Tap, LLC (www.indianaontap.com) is excited to announce the release of their new mobile responsive design.
“In the last 6 months since our company and website launched, the growth of our unique site visitors and page views has far exceeded our anticipation,” noted Founder and Co-Owner Justin Knepp.
“When the site was first built, it looked great on any desktop and most mobile devices, but it was not truly mobile responsive, which was a silly mistake,” Knepp added.
“We’re now averaging more than 50,000 unique visitors to the site per month…and when you factor in how many visitors are accessing our content from social media posts on their mobile devices as well, the investment in this change was a no-brainer.”
The new mobile responsive design will be great for accessing all of Indiana On Tap’s up-to-the-minute news and brewery content. Knepp acknowledges, however, that the new mobile responsive design will need to be tweaked and improved in certain areas.
“There are still areas of the mobile interface we need to improve…such as removing certain content and images not relevant for the mobile experience, but we believe that it’s more important to release Version 1 of our mobile responsive design now and make these improvements in time. Our goal from day 1 was to be the first and best website to aggregate all relevant news and information on Indiana’s growing craft breweries and the innovative beers they offer. We were definitely the first, but now our focus is on remaining the best…and creating a better mobile experience to deliver our content is another important step in doing just that.”
To learn more about Indiana On Tap, please visit their website at www.IndianaOnTap.com
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