Dear Santa, For Christmas Please Bring Me Beer

Dear Santa, For Christmas Please Bring Me Beer


By Writing Community Member Kristina Traxler

I would like to think I’ve been an upstanding citizen this year, definitely enough to be put on the “Nice” list. I say please and thank you, am respectful and tip well, and help elderly citizens cross the street. You get the idea. Here are a couple things I would love to see under the tree this year.

For the person that always complains about cold beer
Hydroflask 16 oz True Pint ($21.99) – Everyone has that friend that always complains or heaven forbid pours their brew down the drain because of the temperature. Hydroflask makes all of their products out of double-walled stainless steel, good for up to 24 hours of cold liquids. If I still have ice in my water bottle during 105 degree hot yoga, you know it is the real deal. They also make full 64 ounce growlers with that same promise. Additionally, if you register your product online you have a lifetime guarantee as well as the opportunity to donate 5% of your cost to charity.



For the person that wants the latest and greatest
GrowlerWerks uKeg ($129-179) – Growler and draft system in one majestic machine. Enough said. 

For the local craft guru 
Indiana On Tap Tasting Society Membership ($49.99) – Flights, growlers, pints, merch, brew bus, you name it. This program emcompases almost every aspect of the craft beer experience. With the list of vendors growing by the day, you will for sure get your money’s worth out of this purchase. For those that love a challenge the more breweries you go to (and provide the proper Twitter handle) the more rewards you get out of it. This will for sure be one of my New Year’s Resolutions 2016.

For the craft beer diva
Growler Girls Insulated Growler Bag ($30.00) – For that lovely lady in your life, this Indianapolis native Etsy shop handmakes double insulated bags that hold a growler perfectly. This keeps your beer safe AND cold. This also makes a great bag for beer festivals. At Dark Lord Day I was able to fit 3 full bombers in my bag to last me the 2+ hours in line. Hands down one of my favorite craft beer accessories. 

For the person that only goes to ONE brewery
Local Mug Clubs (varies per location) – Lots of breweries have either yearly or lifetime memberships for their individual incentive programs. This could mean discounted pints, glassware, merchandise, or even specialty tappings and events. Breweries will either have the descriptions online, or you just have to ask about it when you go there. Lord knows you’re probably there all the time anyway…

After thinking of all these wonderful gifts, I’m going to have a hard to fall asleep on the 24th. Knowing that these items are possibilities on the horizon, I’ll continue to hold doors open and put my change in those shiny red buckets.


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