5 Things Budweiser Wants to Sell You That You’re Better Off Not Buying

5 Things Budweiser Wants to Sell You That You’re Better Off Not Buying


By BrewstudNo1 of Brew Studs

It seems really positive at first.The way that the Budweiser rebranding messages have been packaged for the media, one might think that Anheuser Busch is actually in the business of making beer. But really – they got out of that business in 2008 – at least finally, completely. Now, they’re solely in the business of manipulating consumer tastes and acquiring companies that actually make beer.

But that’s not what all of those clever commercials tell me about the brand, you say. True, Budweiser’s clever marketing definitely tells a different story. We’re presented a picture of a company that’s steeped in American values and a devotion to providing Americans with a quality product that tastes the way an American beer is supposed to taste. Well, I’m saying it’s a big load of Belgian crap. And it’s not that difficult to see right through it if you take the time to educate yourself just a little.

Start by taking a look at these 5 examples:

1. This is what a craft beer drinker looks like
If you haven’t seen the infamous Budweiser Super Bowl XLIX commercial by now…uh, there’s this thing called Google. I’m sure we’ve all come across a guy that looks like the mustachioed mascot of the brewed the hard way commercial, but you can probably easily count the number of people you know who own a can of bees wax. 

It’s perfectly understandable why nobody goes sticking their noses in a red solo of freshly poured Budweiser, but you’ll have a hard time not immersing you face in a snifter of craft beer. There’s actually something to smell in a good damn beer, and the aromas usually erupt out of the glass making them something you can’t ignore.

What Budweiser’s marketing agency did with this ad is tell men that they would lose their masculinity if they drank real beer. The sad thing is that it actually appeals to a segment of the drinker market. It’s the segment that gets angry about the NFL promoting player safety, the one that applies the old Lays Potato Chip slogan to drinking and that thinks professional wrestling is only 10% fake.… CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL STORY AT BREW STUDS

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