What the Success of Craft Beer Says About Today’s Consumer

What the Success of Craft Beer Says About Today’s Consumer


By Matt Wesson at Salesforce

Americans love beer. In fact, the beer industry one of America’s most profitable enterprises, and right now that industry is changing.

In the last 5 years, craft beer (beer produced by smaller, often independent breweries) has exploded onto the scene. In 2011, craft brewing saw growth of 13% by volume while overall U.S. beer sales were down an estimated 1.3% by volume.

So what is driving this growth? Anyone who’s paid the extra two to three dollars for a craft beer knows that it isn’t the price. No, this trend is part of a larger shift in consumer tastes away from large corporations and impersonal products. Consumers are willing to pay more for products from companies they feel like they know — companies with a personality and a story.

This trend should be encouraging to marketers. Having fun and showing your personality is the alternative to the faceless corporations and has the ability to produce ideas that are genuine and have real personality; marketing consumers are craving. However, many marketers are spending most of their time mimicking and pretending to be a big business.

Seriously? Why are we so focused on being Bud Light when we are already something so much better? We are better than Bud Light!

“Why are we so focused on being Bud Light when we are already something so much better?”

Marketers are in a position to capitalize on the characteristics of their businesses that may have once been viewed as flaws. It’s time to step up and own these elements and deliver marketing that consumers actually want.

Consumer tastes are changing quickly. Outbound marketing strategies are becoming a thing of the past as consumers become more and more desensitized to the messages pushed on them each day. Inbound marketing has become the new dominant strategy, with earned media and content strategies successfully building relationships and earning consumer trust. Large businesses are spending billions to make inbound work for them, but most marketing departments already have a huge head start.

You don’t need to spend big to create personalities and a story for their brands the way big business does. The story is already there, you just need to tell it! Share your struggles and success with your audience. Share your mission and what drives you. This honesty and authenticity will help to make your brand more trustworthy, and trust is the foundation of every relationship.

Big business marketing is pretty boring. They are working under tight guidelines and regulations. This is especially true when it comes to beer. How many ads can you really target at tailgaters? Most marketers lack the budget for national ad spots and traditional media buys. This forces marketers to think outside the box.

You are ideally set up to pursue new, exciting marketing ideas and tactics. You should be pushing the traditional boundaries, taking risks, and setting the trends for larger companies to follow. Before your next campaign, think about using a new channel or pursuing a new strategy that will differentiate you from the competition. The risks are lower and the rewards greater. Think bigger!

Anyone that has seen a local brewery grow into a successful business probably feels a connection to that brand. All businesses have a story and a connection to their neighborhoods, cities, and states. When marketed well, consumers feel as if they know their community’s small businesses and share a connection.

This is a tremendous advantage you have over your competition. Don’t be afraid to show your people and personality. Give your audience a look behind the scenes and showcase the people behind your brand. Take advantage of opportunities to participate in local events and causes. Although the short term gain of these events is limited, the long term relationships and connections are a significant advantage over larger companies.

The craft brewing movement is bravely breaking from the norm set by traditional larger breweries, and consumers have responded with overwhelming support. Craft breweries are standing up to big business and trying to be something different, something better. If their bold message, strong values, and devout followings are not enough to inspire your marketing, then their snowballing financial success should definitely get your attention!

Do you have any additional thoughts on craft brewing or your marketing? What’s your favorite craft brew? Let me know in the comments below!

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