18 Mar The first installment of 6-Pack Questions features Scarlet Lane Brewing’s Eilise LAne!
The first installment of “6-Pack Questions” comes from Scarlet Lane’s Eilise Lane.
1) Why Mccordsville?
When Scarlet Lane was just a seed of an idea (in malt and hop soaked brains) we wanted to do something positive, not only for ourselves, but for an entire community. Our team spent a lot of time traveling for beer and we noticed that breweries were able to assist new communities or industry-depressed communities grow. Traveling on the west coast we would see old timber or fishing towns that were disappearing due to the decrease in those industries. Then a brewery or two or three, would come in and completely revitalize a town. You would see new restaurants, shops, coffee roasters, etc. establishing themselves in these towns. Next thing you know a sleepy little town, that was all but forgotten, has become a destination.
While looking for a place to call home, we happened on McCordsville. McCordsville has a large residential footprint and is working on creating a strong economical presence. Scarlet Lane spoke with town officials and knew that we would all be working towards the same goal. We have enjoyed working with established businesses and hope to see a few more entrepreneurs joining the McCordsville family soon.
2) In 5 years Scarlet Lane will be…?
We will be brewing kickass beers in McCordsville and would like to be providing beer to the entire state of Indiana.
3) Your favorite Indiana beer? Can’t pick one of your own and you can only pick one.
De Minimis by Taxman Brewing.
If I can only pick one, I would like to share two reasons
First, It is a really great beer that I can drink all night or all day long.
4) What should we know about Scarlet Lane? Any tidbits or random info.
The majority of our investors are female. We are fans of all things horror and macabre. We have exactly one team member that golfs. Every team member has at least one dog.
5) I (you) draw creative inspiration from?
Beer inspiration usually comes from one of two places, food or literature.
Food: It is fun to incorporate different profiles you typically find in food, in beer. You can go one of two ways, try to find a way to perfectly compliment a meal or create a beer that could be a meal.
Literature: This one is a little bit of an exercise in mad musing. I like to look at characters or authors and try to find a way to represent them with different ingredients and beer styles/profiles. This is why you will often hear me talk about our beers as if they are people with unique personality traits.
6) In a serendipitous twist of kismet, Oscar Wilde randomly walks into the taproom (he obviously can’t speak because if he did we would all be mesmerized by his prose), and you pour him one beer…what is it and why?
You would think it would be Dorian. However, I am thinking Eirik Bloodaxe, which has a higher ABV, so I can get him to speak.
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