Skip the coffee. Drink these coffee beers instead!

Skip the coffee. Drink these coffee beers instead!


By Kristina Traxler for Indiana On Tap

One of the things that made me grasp that I was becoming a real person (i.e. transitioning into adulthood) was when I came to the realization that I truly enjoy the taste of coffee. What used to be purely a stimulant to get through the morning is now an enjoyable beverage. Here are some of my favorite coffee beer staples:

  • Common Necessity by Quaff On! – This is for the person who loves the flavored coffees instead of the bold dark roasts. This stout has a solid hazelnut flavor and roasted taste.  It does have a dark color finish and strong aroma.When drinking this I was surprised to find that it was not as heavy as I expected, which makes it both great and dangerous.
  • Hotbox Coffee Porter by Oskar Blues Brewery – Perfect after-dinner beer that would be excellent served alongside dessert. I’m a huge fan of cold-brew coffee, so once I found out that it was the base I was sold. The great thing about cold-brew is it packs the flavor without excess acidity or bitterness. This brew specifically had flavors of chocolate and fruit as well.


  • Java Mint Stout by Three Pints Brewing → Mint Microchip Chocolate Stout by Tin Man Brewing – To explain this substitution I need to tell a story. So this one time back in the winter of 2015 I had an amazing stout at the Sinking Ship. This happened to the the Java Mint Stout by Three Pints. The strange mental correlation I made with this beer was that to me it tasted like a mint Oreo dunked in boozey coffee. I was heartbroken when Three Pints announced their closing (everyone should say thank you the brewmasters at Quaff On for preserving this Indiana gem). This past January at a beer dinner at HopCat I was introduced to Tin Man’s Mint Microchip Chocolate Stout. My hopes and dreams were answered. That being said, these two are not a direct substitution. By no means are they the same beer, but it has a similar mint base and a smooth chocolate finish. The next item on my agenda is trying to find it outside of Evansville…
  • Hubbard & Cravens Porter by Thr3e Wise Men Brewing - If you live in central Indiana and have never experienced Hubbard & Cravens, stop now and go venture. It’s nice to see two great local business combining forces and making such a great product. This has an exceptionally smooth espresso flavor and a healthy balance of malt. I got to try this at a Girls Pint Out Event last year Beer & Donuts, and I raved about it then too. I’ll go back to my original statement I made back then: this is a beer that you COULD drink at 7AM right when you wake up, it was THAT smooth.

These are just a few that stick out in my mind, I’m sure there are plenty more great brews out there. Don’t hesitate to comment and let me know what I’m missing! 


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