On the menu: Bloomington Brewing Co. releases new beer

On the menu: Bloomington Brewing Co. releases new beer


By Carol Kugler of the Bloomington Hearld Times

Bloomington Brewing Co. will release Feastiality at 4 p.m. Thursday at the Bloomington Brew Pub at Lennie’s. 

The new beer is named for the New Albanian restaurant Feast, where the concept for the beer was conceived. Feastiality is a strong Scotch ale aged in Angel’s Envy bourbon barrels. The resulting brew has subtle notes of vanilla with caramel malty tones and a finish with lingering flavors of smoke and peat. 

Mark Cady, business manager at Bloomington Brewing Co., said the collaboration with New Albanian Brewing Co. in New Albany happened while a group was eating barbecue at Feast. Neither BBC nor New Albanian Brewing Co. had a Scottish style beer, so “we decided to go with that variety,” Cady said in an email. “The yeast was Scottish yeast, and it provides some depth in malt flavors as well as some subtle smoky, peaty flavors.”

The collaboration involved making two beers, the first is Feastibility, which is the larger of the two beers in alcohol and body, Cady said.

The second batch, FeastMaster, was done in Bloomington. It’s a lighter style, 80 Shilling Scottish ale, with 4.2 percent alcohol. “So you can have the flavor of a bigger beer, yet feel like you haven’t had too much to drink after a few pints,” Cady said. “It’s my go-to, after work beer right now.”

Feastiality will be available at Bloomington Brew Pub at Lennie’s for a limited time. Lennie’s is at 1795 E. 10th St.

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