Miller Lite Wins Gold at GABF. How?

Miller Lite Wins Gold at GABF. How?


By Will Gordon of The Concourse

The Brewers Association held their prom this past weekend, and in keeping with timeless prom tradition, I was left home alone while all the cooler boozers attended the Great American Beer Festival in Denver. (Incidentally, my invitation to the Spring Formal was also lost in the mail, as April 11 saw me at home with the cat rather than in Denver for the World Beer Cup.)

That’s cool, and I’m not bitter at all, and these slights will in no way influence the following even-handed analysis of the judges’ decisions. The GABF cabal awarded medals on Saturday, after a couple days of typical trade-show baby-kissing, ass-grabbing, and general LARPing around with a beer in one hand, a beer in the other hand, and no hands left to wring over the fate of the cat and I, who, don’t worry, were JUST FINE catching up on The Mindy Project over mugs of tear-spiked Schlitz…. CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL STORY AT THE CONCOURSE

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