29 Sep Books & Brews Expanding to University of Indianapolis Campus in 2018
FOR RELEASE 9/29/2017
Books & Brews Coming to the Campus of The University of Indianapolis in 2018
September 29, 2017 INDIANAPOLIS – Books & Brews Franchising LLC, Indiana’s fastest growing craft beer taproom – known as “a place for people without a place” – has sold its second franchise to Evan and Melissa Sandullo that will be located on the campus of University of Indianapolis on Shelby Street, across the street from the new Greyhound Village Apartments.
Evan and Melissa Sandullo recently relocated to Indianapolis from the Greater Chicagoland area with their three children in October 2016. Evan has a background in business administration and finance while Melissa is a musician with a passion for the arts. Ms. Sandullo initially struggled to find a place where she felt a sense of community until she attended an open mic at the Books & Brews location on 96th Street.
“I was so moved by the raw talent on stage, and even more by the way I was instantly part of the family,” Melissa said. “I made so many friends in the first evening I spent there. I just felt like there was no one type of person here. There are just a lot of individuals with a common thread. I found my place.”
When Evan and Melissa visited Books & Brews together, he picked up on the unusual charm of the venue as well. “When I first walked in,” he said, “I recognized they were on to something special. The interactions between such a diverse group of people impressed me.”
The Sandullos made Books & Brews their weekly date night because they really loved seeing the familiar faces and meeting new people. As they spent more time in the Taproom they spent more time with owner, Jason Wuerfel, and took hold of his vision of a place without a place. The three of them began to discuss the possibility of opening their very own franchise.
Like all Books & Brews locations, the new UIndy location will provide an inclusive environment that accepts all walks of life and makes every new customer feel like a regular by cultivating a culture that allows both employees and customers to feel a sense of ownership over the company’s direction. “Our product is our people,” said Jason. “We use fresh beer, local food, and social events as the artistic medium through which we communicate, but what we’re selling at Books & Brews is that human connection. That is something that we believe everyone is looking for. Which is why, on any given night, you can see a group of businessmen sitting next to a group of gamers next to a family of five next to a table of college students. The desire to be accepted and appreciated isn’t limited to any one demographic.”
Amongst the company’s core values, Books & Brews believes strongly in saying that, “People rarely remember what you say, but they always remember how you make them feel.” Therefore, Jason and the managerial staff has designing everything from the floor plan to the event schedule to cultivate a culture that feels inclusive, where customers feel like a regular the second they step foot in the door – something that is difficult to find in today’s marketplace.
“I couldn’t be happier to have Evan and Melissa as franchisees,” Jason said. “They understand our mission because before they were fanchisees they were part of the Books & Brews community. And there’s nothing more exciting then working with someone who truly gets what you’re doing and wants to be a part of it.”
The first night that Melissa visited Books & Brews she went home that night and Evan that she was happy here. She couldn’t put her finger on it that night, but she knew the place was really special. “I’m just so excited, because we loved this place from day one. The idea that we get to take some ownership now and share the Books & Brews experience with the University of Indianapolis is unreal,” Melissa said.
About Books & Brews
Books & Brews Used Bookstore and Taproom opened its first store in Indianapolis, Indiana in March 2014 with a simple mission in mind: provide a place for people without a place; where all are accepted, appreciated, and encouraged to be themselves. Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Jason Wuerfel was a stay at home dad of his then newborn daughter when he started brewing his own beer at home. Mr. Wuerfel will be the first to tell you that he didn’t know anything about brewing beer, but with everything he does, he set out to find the best recipes and practices to brew that special beer. As he was at home, beginning to perfect his beer recipes, he began to dream about a place that welcomed everyone in its doors, regardless of background. Coming from an entrepreneurial family and having a deep love for books, games, video games, and beer, the idea of Books & Brews was beginning to emerge.
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