17 Apr 2014 Indiana State Fair Brewer’s Cup competition & registration Info
Entries Accepted: June 13 – June 28
Entry Registration Online: TBA
Entry Requirements: Three (3) bottles
Entry Drop-off Location:TBA
Judging: Friday, July 11, and Saturday, July 12
Judge/Steward Registration: Now available!
Judging Location: Marsh Blue Ribbon Pavilion Competition Results: Posted here once available
NEW Brewers’ Cup Registration System!
In an effort to enhance the entrant experience, we have acquired a new registration system that is more user-friendly! The new registration process will resemble online shopping with features like the ability to view your cart, access to your receipt, simple online payment process and account management options. Also, you will not have to fill-in your own Bottle ID Labels. The entry system allows you to print your auto-fill Bottle ID labels after paying for your entries.
If you have any questions about the new registration system, please contact Indiana State Fair Entry Coordinator, Ashleigh Burakiewicz.
New for 2014
New this year will be the Bill Friday Homebrew Club Award. It’s different from the Homebrew Club of the Year in that it will reward the club with the best winning percentage. Here are the details: a traveling trophy will be presented to the Indiana Homebrew Club which scores the highest average number of points per entry in the 2014 Brewers’ Cup. The average for each club will be determined by dividing the total number of points scored by the total number of club entries. To be eligible for this award, clubs must meet the requirements to compete as an Indiana Homebrew Club, have a minimum of 4 club members entering the competition, and submit a minimum of 20 total entries. Homebrew Club entrants must declare club affiliation on entry form.
Also new: entries will be capped at 800 homebrew and 500 commercial entries.
Finally, we are introducing category 99: Indiana Specialty Beer. Each year, a different ingredient indigenous to Indiana will be chosen for this beer. In 2014, the specialty ingredient is corn. All beers entered in category 99 must contain corn.
Our Sponsors
The Indiana State Fair Brewers’ Cup is one of the country’s largest competitions and couldn’t exist without the support of sponsors, judges, stewards and support staff. A big thanks to the Indiana State Fair who financially underwrites the competition and provides facilities and staff. The Brewers of Indiana Guild is a BIG supporter of the competition as are the following sponsors:
- Broad Ripple Brewpub, “Brewer for a Day” to the Best of Show Homebrewer
- Blichmann Engineering, a Boilermaker pot to the Indiana Homebrewer of the Year
- Great Fermentations of Indiana, a $50 gift certificate to first place home brewers
- Quality Ale and Wine Supply, a $35 gift certificate to second place home brewers
- Brewers Art Supply (1425 Wells Street, Fort Wayne, Indiana), a $25 gift certificate to third place home brewers
- Sun King, cellaring of entries
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