
Vampire Run

Irvington Community Elementary School 6705 Julian Avenue, Indianapolis

Check-in 9:00 am to 10:00 am on October 31st at tables outside Irvington Elementary School main entrance. Runners start time is 10:00 a.m. Walkers will begin at 10:15 a.m. The route will follow the Pennsy Trail east, turn around at marked designated spot, and finish...

3rd Annual ‘Torn in the Corn’ Brewfest

10-56 Brewing Company 2120 S. US Highway 35, Knox

Come out to the 3rd Annual 'Torn in the Corn' Brewfest! Halloween Costumes welcome. We have a great lineup of INDIANA beer, cider and wine for you! Confirmed breweries and live music lineup to be announced soon! Food trucks will be onsite to greet hungry attendees! General...

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