Sorry for the radio silence — let us explain

Sorry for the radio silence — let us explain


By The Indiana On Tap Team

Sorry for the radio silence.  We’ve been quite busy since the soft launch of our site exactly one week ago.  Let us explain.  Since Friday of last week, we’ve been busy with meetings, emails, more meetings, and then more emails.  The support we’ve received from many of the breweries (and many of our new site visitors and social media followers) has been incredible.  While the initial support has been great, the feedback has been even better.  We’ve been making a note of all the great things people like about the site.  However, we’ve been paying more attention to the constructive criticism of those things we can change or add to make sure we’re delivering the best content possible to our Hoosier audience.  We can’t stress enough that the website will remain a work in progress that will be our main focus.  We can only add value if we’re delivering great (and fresh) content on Indiana’s breweries and their beers.  Expect to see some more aggressive marketing in the coming weeks.  To do that, we could also use your help.  If you like the site, please share it with your friends.  You can do this by sending out a tweet asking your followers to check us out.  You can also ‘like’ our Facebook fan page.

The last week hasn’t just been all work and no play.  After meeting with our new t-shirt provider/partner in Bloomington yesterday (My Sports Locker), Jay and I were able to swing by ‘The Tap’ craft beer bar near IU’s campus to try some of the great Indiana seasonal beers they had on tap.  The star of the day was Upland Brewing’s ’Teddy Bear Kisses,’ their Russian Imperial Stout.  This beer is a classic stout for sure–with a nice roasted character with noticeable hints of sweet cocoa.  The low carbonation really gives it a silky texture that makes it easy to drink quickly–maybe too quickly.   It comes in at 10.2% ALC/VOL…so proceed with caution.

Did we mention t-shirts?  We should have our first batch of Indiana On Tap t-shirts within the next week…and they are killer t-shirts, to say the least.  We’re slightly revising our logo for the t-shirts only because we think less is more.  The quality of our vintage-style shirts is second to none and the logo will be ’baked’ into the threads…giving the shirts a true worn, vintage look.  We expect to have our shirts available for sale in our online store within the next couple of weeks. We’ll also be giving away free shirts to a handful of our Twitter followers (just another reason to follow us).  Eventually, our store will play host to all types of great t-shirts and beer-related products–so check it out often.

There’s so many other great things we’d like to share regarding some potential sponsorships for some great upcoming events, but we’ll save that for another post.  It’s officially the holiday season, after all, so we’d prefer you spend more time enjoying some of the best Indiana has on tap, and less time reading this.  Remember that you can email us anytime at

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