High Road Comedy is a returning to Muncie, December 17. This new monthly show will bring a premium blend of young talented comedians from all walks of life. UBH Presents and Indy Craft Brew have partnered up to make sure this show is one you won’t want to miss!
Indy Craft Brew is located right between downtown and campus and with an enticing dinner menu and a deep selection of delicious Indiana craft beers in stock, it will play the perfect host to a killer show like High Road Comedy. Venue will be open for dinner and drinks prior to show time.
Host, Kyle Buck, with Stacey Lynn Stark, Jetta V, Dyke Michaels, Thaddaeus McKee, and headliner Cavin Eggleston
21+ / Seating @ 7 / Show @ 8 / $10 in advance / $15 at the door / Group Discounts available
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