Flat 12 Bierwerks Announces Release of Lacto-Matic Milk Stout in Cans

Flat 12 Bierwerks Announces Release of Lacto-Matic Milk Stout in Cans

lactoFlat 12 Bierwerks is excited to announce the release of their malty and rich winter seasonal, Lacto-Matic Milk Stout, in 6-packs of 12oz cans for the first time. Starting November 9th Lacto-Matic will be available on tap and in cans at their Indianapolis taproom, as well as bars and package stores all around Indiana and the greater Louisville area.

Offering 5.0% and 29 IBUs, Lacto-Matic Milk Stout is creamy with a complex roasted flavor. Pouring dark brown with an off-white/tan head, this beer features hints of chocolate and a subtle coffee finish complemented by a milk-sugar sweetness that gives body and a full mouthfeel. This beer pairs perfectly with desserts and winter dishes.

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